Colloidal Silver
Colloidal Silver Featured In The Wall Street Journal Sports socks, washing machines, food containers, soap and band-aids : What do these items have in common? Colloidal Silver, nano-sized silver particles that have been used to manufacture everyday products by the industrial giants to kill germs, giving us a healthier environment. Check out the leaders of the industry… The “powers” of colloidal silver have been heralded for thousands of years only to be quieted by penicillin and other bacteria killers conjured up in the pharmaceutical labs, given Latin names and used to fight every bacterium originated disease known to man. The results of shunning this natural “nano-sized” (nano = one billionth of a meter) antibiotic has been that diseases have evolved to have a resistance to the man made antibiotics and now scientist are scrambling to find replacements for the antibiotics that have survived less than 100 years. There are critics that hypothesize that the large pharmaceutical ...